Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 2/1/2024 - 5:30 PM
Type: Info
Subject: 3.3 Student Performance Results (Comprehensive)
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan:
2023-2024 Academics
Develop and enhance quality educational/instructional programs to improve overall and individual student academic performance.
Policy: IL - ASSESSMENT PROGRAM (K-12 Districts)
Enclosure MSIP 6 Overview Presentation, State Assessment APR Presentation, PCR3 MSIP 6 Comparison Overall, MSIP 6 6 ELA Comparison, MSIP 6 Math Comparison, MSIP 6 Science Comparison, MSIP 6 Social Studies Comparison, MSIP 6 CCR Comparison, MSIP 6 Grad Rate Comparison, MSIP 6 Attendance Comparison, 2022-23 PCR3 APR, 2022-23 Pathfinder Elementary APR, 2022-23 Barry School APR, 2022-23 Siegrist Elementary APR, 2022-23 Compass Elementary APR, 2022-23 PCMS APR and 2022-23 PCHS APR.
File Attachment:
MSIP 6 Overview - Feb. BoE Work Session 2.1.24.pptx
State Assessment - APR - BOE Update February 2024.pptx
PCR3 MSIP-6 Comparison - Overall APR.pdf
PCR3 MSIP-6 Comparison - Math.pdf
PCR3 MSIP-6 Comparison - ELA.pdf
PCR3 MSIP-6 Comparison - Science.pdf
PCR3 MSIP-6 Comparison - Social Studies.pdf
PCR3 MSIP-6 Comparison - Grad Rate.pdf
PCR3 MSIP-6 Comparison - CCR.pdf
PCR3 MSIP-6 Comparison - Attendance.pdf
2022-23 PCR3 APR.pdf
2022-23 PCMS APR.pdf
2022-23 Pathfinder Elementary APR.pdf
2022-23 Barry School APR.pdf
2022-23 Siegrist Elementary APR.pdf
2022-23 Compass Elementary APR.pdf
2022-23 PCHS APR.pdf
Summary: Dr. Drew White, Deputy Superintendent, will present the MSIP 6 Overview and provide the Board of Education with the APR results for each building in the district as submitted.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Danielle Nickell - Board Secretary
Signed By:
Dr. Drew White - Deputy Superintendent
Signed By:
Dr. Jay Harris - Superintendent of Schools