Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 9/21/2023 - 5:30 PM
Type: Info
Subject: 7.1 Pirate Pride - Foreign Exchange Students 2023-2024
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan:
2023-2024 Academics
Develop and enhance quality educational/instructional programs to improve overall and individual student academic performance.
2023-2024 Community (Students)
Provide each student with a relevant education in a safe and caring environment.
2023-2024 Community (Parents & Members)
Improve internal and external stakeholder communication, involvement, and partnership.
File Attachment:
Foreign Exchange Students 2023-2024 Presentation.pdf
Summary: Dr. Aaron Duff, Director of Secondary Education, will provide an overview of the Foreign Exchange Student program, and introduce Mr. Kiel Giese, Interim Principal of Platte County High School. Mr. Giese will introduce the foreign exchange students attending PCHS during the 2023/2024 school year, as follows:

Carmen Cavallo, PCHS Senior, is a student associated with The Pan Atlantic Foundation. Carmen lives in Italy with her family, however, while in the United States, Carmen resides with Patrick and Stephanie Thompson.

Fabian Risager, PCHS Senior, is a student associated with PAX- Program of Academics Exchange. Fabian lives in Denmark with his family, however, while in the United States, Fabian resides with Dave and Krisit Whitmer.

Maria Teresa Morillas, PCHS Senior, is a student associated with Council on International Exchange. Maria lives with her family in Spain, however, while in the United States, Maria resides with the Letherman family.

Platte County High School works with a number of organizations – Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE), Greenheart Exchange, Education First (EF), Council for Educational Travel USA (CETUSA), International Student Exchange (ISE), Program of Academic Exchange, Pan Atlantic Foundation, and AFS Intercultural Programs – when considering student placement through a foreign exchange program. Through long-standing participation with these organizations, PCHS local students, exchange students, staff, and community have gained exposure to enhanced and varied cultural experiences. Historically, Platte County High School has hosted three to four students each year.

Various factors are considered each year when accepting students for participation from the various organizations. Some of the elements which are taken into account are things such as the amount of time the student will be in the United States (full school year or partial school year), age of student, if he/she can speak English (or has taken English classes), with whom residential placement might agree, etc.

The orientation of an exchange student is a multifaceted process with attempts made for “instant connections,” including integration into academics, climate, culture, and extra-curricular activities of the high school. Every attempt to accommodate a student’s specific request(s) or preference(s) for courses is made, taking into consideration whether or not his/her home country requires them to take certain courses while in the US in order to remain on their graduation track. In order to provide fulfilling and meaningful experiences, students are permitted to enroll in grade/year appropriate classes, however, if considerable struggles are experienced, every attempt for alternate course placement is made. Integration into student and family life generally includes the placement with a family who has at least one student attending PCHS to assist with a smooth transition. Additionally, beginning of the year luncheons are held for the students (with administrators, counselors) and high school mentors provide support through acclimation of their new environment. Many of our exchange students participate in sports and are active in other clubs and activities which provides incorporation into student life almost immediately.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Dr. Aaron Duff - Director of Secondary Education
Signed By:
Dr. Jay Harris - Superintendent of Schools